summer camp 2024
“Play is an activity in which Means are more valued than Ends.”
– Maria Montessori
Summer Programs
Pre-Primary Classes
How Does it Go!
Session I: June 24th – July 19th
Week 1. Bugs and Butterflies
Week 2. Stars and Stripes
Week 3. Under the Sea
Week 4. Construction
Session II: July 22nd – Aug 16th
Week 1. What is in our Garden
Week 2. Old Mcdonald had a farm
Week 3. Dinosaurs
Week 4. Ice cream shop

Summer Programs
Primary Classes
How Does it Go!
Session I: June 24th – July 19th
Week 1 & 2: Community Helpers
Week 3 & 4: Rainforest
Session II: July 22nd – Aug 16th
Week 1 &2: Around the World with Olympic Games
Week 3 &4: On the Farm

Summer Programs
Elementary Classes

How Does it Go!
Summertime is an opportunity to allow children a break from academic studies and give them the opportunity to have fun and explore new creative outlets.
During Summer Camp, the children spend several days each week away from the school on a number of interesting field trips carefully chosen by the teachers. We take advantage of the wonderful resources our region has to offer to take our campers on memorable and enriching adventures.
Whether it is observing blue herons and turtles in one of our Regional Parks, scaling the height of T-Rex, watching a tarantula eat her lunch at the Museum of Natural History, or spinning on the back of a horse at the Glen Echo Carousel, fun abounds all summer long!
When at school, children are engaged in a variety of activities, as well as daily French lessons.
This year we are delighted to offer Robotics to our list of enriching and exciting pursuits.
Reston Montessori School offers the same safe and nurturing environment in which your children thrive during the school year. Ask our Alumni, all of them remember our Elementary Summer Camp as “The Best Time Ever!”
“Oh, the places you’ll go!”
Eliana Jaoude
Head of School