About Us - Private School in Reston, Virginia
Since 1986Reston Montessori School was established in 1986. It is an American Montessori Society Full Member private school in Reston, Virginia. The school grew from one primary classroom to serving students from age 3 months to 12 years. As the oldest Montessori school in Reston serves the Reston community and much of its surrounding area.
Our Inspiration
What We Aim For
“A child’s work,” wrote Maria Montessori, “is to create the man he will become. An adult works to perfect his environment, but a child works to perfect himself.” So Dr. Montessori developed an education that would aid the child in his work.
We at RMS work diligently to achieve the goal of comprehensive development of the child.
Driven By Principles
The founder of Reston city, Robert E. Simon was a visitor to the school and a firm believer in the Montessori philosophy. He said “I’m particularly concerned with our country’s education policy, because there’s nothing right about it. It makes no sense to talk about white, black, urban, suburban, poor, or rich, because in each one of those categories, you’ll find all kinds of different skills and abilities. So, we should be focusing on the individual. Yet we put all these kids in the same grade based on age alone, and that’s crazy. A third of them are bored because the class is going too slow; a third of them don’t know what’s happening at all; and a third find that the class is just right. We should be focusing on individual IQs, and they should be learning what they enjoy and what they do best.
The Montessori method is the closest to that.” We welcome you to visit our private school in Reston, and see for yourself, the success yielded by our education program.
School Structure
RMS has one Infant classroom (3 months to 18 months), two Pre-Primary classrooms (18 months to 3 years), four Primary classrooms (3 years to 6 years), one Lower Elementary classroom (6 years to 9 years) and one Upper Elementary classroom (9 years to 12 years).
The Infant classroom’s team consists of one Montessori trained teacher and four assistants. It has a 1 to 3 ratio with each group of three children having a primary caregiver. The Pre-Primary and Primary classrooms work with a team of three members: a Montessori teacher, a Montessori assistant, and the afternoon childcare teacher. This gives your child a strong and consistent group of people to interact with throughout the school day and the afterschool period. The Elementary classrooms has a Montessori teacher and two assistants each.
RMS involves the parents in their child’s education in many ways. They are invited to listen to the kids read, observe in a classroom, participate in Parent’s week, attend parent education evenings such as Montessori insights and much more.
RMS has an active PTA that organizes many programs and activities throughout the year to support the school. The RMS PTA views its role as a community builder. Powered by the volunteer participation of parents, it seeks to provide events and activities that connect students, teachers and families. Here are just a few examples of the things the RMS PTA does throughout the year: Pizza Fridays, PTA-sponsored programs-like the ever-popular Family Yoga Night and Parent night out, school-wide community service projects, Social events-like Skate Nights and Family Dinners Out at local restaurants, Spring Staff Appreciation Week, and The “Best Ever” School Carnival.
Our Mission and Vision
Creating our future Citizens
From an early age, Montessori students develop the self-discipline to work alone, with peers, or with the entire class. While one student reads about Renaissance painters, another works at a computer, and another dissects a flower with a friend. Aided by the rich curriculum and hands-on learning materials, the child develops excellent skills in reading, writing and mathematics.
As part of a mixed-age class the Montessori student enjoys relationships with younger and older children. A Mixed-age classes promote collaborative learning and encourage the development of strong community.
The Montessori Method has been successful around the world for more than 100 years.
Our mission is to make the best of our future citizens.
A Message From
Our Head of School
” RMS involves the parents in their child’s education in many ways. They are invited to listen to the kids read, observe in a classroom, participate in Parent’s week, attend parent education evenings such as Montessori insights and much more.
We are so delighted to be part the great journey of education of all our students.