(This article is published with permission from Heather White on the topic of Montessori Method in education)
“Independence is not a static condition; it is a continuous conquest, and in order to reach not only freedom, but also strength, and the perfecting of one’s powers, it is necessary to follow this path of unremitting toil.”
– Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori saw the goal of education not just as a training of the mind, but as an aid to life. She affirmed that it was the adult’s duty to guide children along the path to independence, towards which they have a natural tendency. In doing so, Montessori believed children would grow into capable, confident adults, thriving in life.
In Montessori classrooms, independence is an organic, ongoing process. From an infant who learns to manipulate a toy on their own, to a toddler who learns to pour their own water and tie their own shoes, to an adolescent who learns to make money and manage finances, the process of independence gradually builds over time. In fact, Maria Montessori once said, “Independence is not a static condition; it is a continuous conquest, and in order to reach not only freedom, but also strength, and the perfecting of one’s powers, it is necessary to follow this path of unremitting toil.” Just as the child learns and grows, so too, does the level and type of independence they seek.
Early Childhood
During the first six years of life, “the child’s nature is to aim directly and energetically at functional independence.” Children from birth to six are fixated on how things work and want to discover things for themselves. They are mastering movement and physical capabilities as they learn to do things on their own. Some common ways that young children can demonstrate independence include:
1. Care of self activities including brushing one’s hair, brushing one’s teeth,
and getting dressed.
2. Care of environment activities including washing tables, washing dishes, sweeping, and dusting.
3. Preparing one’s own snack.
4. Pouring one’s own drink.
Elementary-aged students move beyond wanting to know how things work to exploring the reasoning for why things work and if there is another way. Although the Elementary-aged child enjoys collaborative group projects, their focus is centered on becoming independent thinkers. Providing opportunities for Elementary students to think for themselves and with their peers will allow them to hone their planning and organizational skills, giving them a solid understanding of their own capabilities.
Through Cosmic Education, Elementary students are also better able to understand themselves as they develop a “vision of the universe” that allows them to recognize how all things and all people are interconnected and interdependent. This knowledge empowers Elementary-aged children to understand and accept their place in the world and to explore their “cosmic task,” their unique, meaningful purpose.
According to Montessori, “Independence, in the case of the adolescents, has to be acquired on a different plane, for theirs is the economic independence in the field of society. Here, too, the principle of ‘Help me to do it alone!’ ought to be applied.”
Just as is in Early Childhood, the adolescent’s focus shifts back towards life skills and real-world applications, but now with an emphasis on discovering one’s social identity. Instead of fixating on academic growth, Secondary students should be provided opportunities to build meaningful relationships with their peers as they explore who they are socially and emotionally.
Maria Montessori believed that the overarching goal of education was to educate for independence. Although this preparation might look a bit different at each stage in a child’s life, Montessori believed so much in the value and importance of developing a solid foundation of independence that she once said, “If [the child] cannot acquire this independence he does not exist as an individual—for the characteristic of an individual is one who can function by himself.”

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